Resinworks EasyCast uHD V2 DLP

39,90179,90 ME ΦΠΑ

Availability: In Stock


Η Resinworks EasyCast uHD V2 DLP είναι μια πολύ γνωστή χυτεύσιμη ρητίνη από τον Καναδά, υπόσχεται πολύ λεπτομερείς και καθαρες εκτυπώσεις και εξίσου καθαρά χυτήρια

Είναι κατάλληλη για DLP εκτυπωτές (Εnvisiotec/Asiga/Solus/Moonray κλπ).

Έρχεται σε μπουκάλια των 125gr και του 1kg.
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CCW EasyCast HD sets the standard for castable resins.  A wide range of users, from custom jewellers to large scale manufacturers have come to rely on its exceptional printing quality and consistent casting results. This resin is designed for precious metal applications. Its unique and special formulation allows for a clean burn-out and no ash content.

The CCW EasyCast v2.0 UHD (DLP) is an update to the EasyCast HD Brown. The update provides high resolution prints with the same if not better casting results than the previous edition.

The resin is designed for precious metal applications. Its unique and special formulation allows for a clean burn-out and no ash content.

This resin provides high levels of detail with consistently smooth and fine castings.

Tested in Platinum, Palladium, Gold and Silver.

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Resin Type

Resin Brand


125gr, 1kg

Resinworks EasyCast uHD V2 DLP

Resinworks EasyCast uHD V2 DLP